Monday, March 10, 2008

Dad's probably pouting because......

I didn't wanna go on a stupid walk with him & mom because otherwise dad would've been irritating me and then I would've gotten crabby and then mom would've gotten crabby. I got out yesterday and I get out of the house when I feel like it. I don't go nuts being locked up in the house like he does. Maybe I'll go on a walk with them when it's warmer. Sorry, but when people force me to do something or go somewhere and I don't wanna do that I get very crabby. Like when dad forces me to go outside I get crabby cause I don't like being forced into going outside. I go outside when I feel like it.

1 comment:

Jacki McHale said...

Damn skippy.

Ed is the same way, I sometimes pout until I get my way, but it really doesen't work out for me, because then he is crabby that he was forced to go with.

I should learn not to be so bossy. Same with dad. I just think sometimes he thinks you need to get out. But I get you on the walking in the cold. When it's warmer it's nice.