Sunday, February 24, 2008

Stuff to look forward to when I get older!!


Wrinkly Skin


Wetting myself




sue said...

susz, i love all your coments! your honest and they are funny! why dont u invite dad to read it :) by the way...just pay attention, my living room is green, what should i paint it?? dinning room yellow, your tv room gold(do u like it?) and your bed room, how dramatic is that?? i love your comments. dont change anything. love u mom xo p.s. dad is just dad, we will be married 35 years this year, and i still dont get him sometimes. he has a very bad case of cabin fever right now. i know, no excuse, we have periods and menopause. i guess guys have stuff too.

Jacki McHale said...

Hey I am not old and I wet myself. So there. I guess that is the perk from having kids.

Use lots of lotion, and stay out of the sun for the non wrinkly skin. So we can look young like mom does.

Cateracts, or bad vision. Whatever the case. I can't see more then a foot in front of my face with out my contacts, or glasses.

I guess we just enjoy the life we have. And as you say, it could always be worse.